MessageDefinition OUT
The available extra processings on MessageDefinitions OUT are :
- Xslt transformer
- Document extractor
- Reject Duplicates
- Line delimiter converter
- Xml Signer
- Pdf wrapping
- Pdf resizer
- Pdf Letterhead
- Pdf Appendix
- Add attachments to a pdf
- PdfA converter
- Pdf signer
- Zip wrapping
- PGP wrapping
- MIME wrapping
- Replacement based on regular-expressions.
- Create messages from metadata
- Message Validation (Deprecated)
- Automatically close errors
- Replace message content by metadata
- Duplicate outgoing message
- Report success
- Report success by mail
- Report error
- Report error by mail
Xslt transformer
Applies an xslt to correct your message. It is applied on the internal xml representation of the message (before the message is converted to the output format).
Be aware that the output of your transformation must be compatible with the internal representation of Babelway for this message format.
The parameters are :
Allows you to extract any information in the output message to be able to view it directly in the monitor page.
As an example, suppose that you want to extract some information from the output message to be able to view it directly in the monitor page.
First, create the "Document type" you want to use from "Admin / Environment settings / Document types".
Based on the information you want to store, you will need to create its corresponding document type, as shown below.
Note: For more information about the Document types you can check this link Document types.
Then, create this extra processing in the "Message Out" and after that click on "Edit" to map the fields you want to extract, as shown below.
After that, begin mapping the fields from the input message you want to extract to the fields in this document type, as shown below.
To be able to view the extracted information, go to monitoring and then based on the "name of the document you used" ("orders" in this case), click on it to view the extracted information, as shown below.
Note: In order for the new document type to be displayed in the Monitoring page after using it in it's corresponding channel or channels you will need to deploy your environment in order to push this changes to production and the new document will be displayed in the Monitoring page, as shown below.
Reject Duplicates
This extra processing allows you to identify and reject duplicate messages from the message out stage which mean that the message already passed through transformation stage where you can manipulate it the way you like to adjust the duplicate rejection process, for example creating metadata within the transformation and reject duplicate message based on the metadata value.
When a message comes in, it passed through transformation till message out generation, it is identified by a key (it can be the file name, a hash of the message "MD5/SHA265", an xpath or regex extract of the message, or a metadata value). This key is then checked against previously recorded keys in a dedicated lookup table. If the message matches an existing entry, it is set in error.
This is how reject duplicate extra-processing looks like.
Mode |
Indicates the way to identify the message's unicity: MD5 hash, 256 hash, xpath or regex extraction, file name, or metadata value. |
Create new lookup table | Check this box to indicate that you'd like the system to create a new lookup table rather than use the one in the field (lookup table) |
Lookup table |
Lookup table which will be collecting your message identifiers, the babelway message key, and the date at which the message came in. The table requires the exact following structure: You may complete the lookup table with any additional information but any change to these first three columns will break the functionality. |
This is the mode list you can use in the duplicate rejection process.
REGEX | In the regex mode, the pattern is the regular expression to extract the unique identifier from the generated message out and reject it if the unique identifier already exists in the lookup table |
Xpath | In the Xpath mode, the pattern is the Xpath expression to extract the unique identifier from the generated message XML out and reject it if the unique identifier already exists in the lookup table |
File Name | In the File name mode, the file name of the generated message will be the unique identifier and the message will be rejected if the unique identifier already exists in the lookup table |
MD5/SHA256 | In this mode, the message hashing algorithm either MD5 or SHA256 of the generated message will be the unique identifier and the message will be rejected if the unique identifier already exists in the lookup table |
Metadata | In this mode, the value stored in the metadata will be the unique identifier and the message will be rejected if the unique identifier already exists in the lookup table |
Note: The MD5 or SHA256 mode will be used if you want to compare the whole content of the message. This is a good idea if your duplicate is an exact copy of the current message. But if there are spaces that vary, or if the date can vary for example, then one shouldn't use this because the hashes won't match and duplicates will get through.
Line delimiter converter
Converts all line delimiters to the line delimiter that you choose. The original file can have its line delimiters in any style (Unix, Windows, Mac).
The parameters are:
Note: The line delimiter for Unix / OSX is \n, The line delimiter for Windows is \r\n, The line delimiter for Mac is \r.
Signs an Xml.
The parameters are:
Alias of the key (in your keystore) that will be used to sign the Xml. |
The digest method that will be used during the signature of the Xml. |
The signature method that will be used to sign the Xml. |
The transformation that will be used to sign the Xml. You have the choice between an inclusive Canonicalization or an enveloped signature. |
The Xpath that will allow the extraction of the URI of the root node of the subtree that needs to be signed. If not defined, the whole xml document will be signed. |
Allows you to create a pdf that will contain your output file in attachment.
The parameters are:
Allows you to resize an output pdf.
The parameters are:
The page size requested for the new pdf (A4, A5, LETTER, ...). The default is A4. |
Specifies the zone in the input pdf that will be copied to the output pdf. The default is 0. |
Specifies the zone in the input pdf that will be copied to the output pdf. The default is 0. |
Specifies where the zone copied from the input pdf will be placed on the page in the output pdf. |
Specifies where the zone copied from the input pdf will be placed on the page in the output pdf. |
Specifies the zoom ratio that must be applied when copying requested zones from the input to the output pdf. The default is 1. |
Specifies the zoom ratio that must be applied when copying requested zones from the input to the output pdf. The default is 1. |
Allows you to set a letterhead to your output pdf file.
The parameters are:
The pdf file that contains the letterhead. |
When the letterhead pdf contains multiple pages, it tells you which page of the letterhead must be used for every page of the output pdf file. The possible values are described hereafter. For every value, we also show as an example the result of the association for an output pdf file that would contain 5 pages (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) and a letterhead pdf that would contain 2 pages (A, B).
Allows you to add extra pages to your output pdf file.
The parameters are:
Allows you to add attachments to your output pdf file.
The parameters are:
Transforms a pdf to make it PDFA1B compliant. Also you are able to convert documents to valid PDF/A-3U documents - in addition to the good old PDF/A-1B ones. A PDF/A document can be identified as such through PDF/A-specific metadata located in the http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/
Allows you to sign your output pdf file.
The parameters are:
Alias of the key (in your keystore) that will be used to sign the pdf. |
The password of your pdf (if your pdf is secured by a password). |
Text that will be associated to the signature. |
Allows you to add an image to your pdf to show the signature. |
Position (lower left X) where the signature image will be displayed. Only if you choose to show the signature. |
Position (lower left Y) where the signature image will be displayed. Only if you choose to show the signature. |
Position (upper right X) where the signature image will be displayed. Only if you choose to show the signature. |
Position (upper right Y) where the signature image will be displayed. Only if you choose to show the signature. |
Image used to show the signature. Only if you choose to show the signature. |
Allows you to timestamp your output pdf. |
If you choose the external as timestamp method, the url to be called for the timestamping. |
If you choose the external as timestamp method, the optional login to use for the call. |
If you choose the external as timestamp method, the optional password to use for the call. |
Allows you to wrap your output file from a zip. It also allows you to add other files in the zip.
The parameters are:
The name that your output file will have in the zip. |
Other files that must be added to the zip. Metadata = Pattern to match the metadata containing the file to attach. Filename = name of the file in the zip. If one pattern matches multiple files, it is possible to put them all, if you guarantee to generate a different filename name for each one. This can be achieved by using the capturing groups of the regex in the filename. Ex: if your metadata pattern is attachment-(.*) and your filename is \1, processing with two metadata attachment-file1.csv and attachment-file2.csv will result in files, file1.csv and file2.csv. |
Allows you to encrypt a file using PGP.
PGP supports message authentication and integrity checking. The latter is used to detect whether a message has been altered since it was completed (the message integrity property) and the former to determine whether it was actually sent by the person or entity claimed to be the sender (a digital signature). Because the content is encrypted, any changes in the message will result in failure of the decryption with the appropriate key. The sender uses PGP to create a digital signature for the message with either the RSA or DSA algorithms. To do so, PGP computes a hash (also called a message digest) from the plaintext and then creates the digital signature from that hash using the sender's private key.
The parameters are:
Public key to be used to encrypt the message. Babelway supports RSA and El Gamal encryption keys. |
If checked, the PGP output follows the Ascii armored format. If not, the output is in binary. ASCII armored format is a binary-to-textual encoding converter. ASCII armored format is a feature of a type of encryption called pretty good privacy (PGP). ASCII armor involves encasing encrypted messaging in ASCII so that they can be sent in a standard messaging format such as email. |
Allows you to wrap your output message in a MIME envelop.
The parameters are:
The name that your output file will have in the MIME envelop. |
The content type that will be associated to your output file in the MIME envelop. |
Other files that must be added to the MIME envelope. Metadata = Pattern to match the metadata containing the file to attach. Filename = name of the attachment in the MIME envelope. If one pattern matches multiple files, it is possible to put them all, if you guarantee to generate a different filename name for each one. This can be achieved by using the capturing groups of the regex in the filename. Ex: if your metadata pattern is attachment-(.*) and your filename is \1, processing with two metadata attachment-file1.csv and attachment-file2.csv will result in files, file1.csv and file2.csv. |
Sign the generated MIME envelope. |
The alias of the key (in the keystore of your environment) that will be used to generate the signature. |
Encrypt the generated MIME envelope whether it is signed or not. |
The alias (in the keystore of your environment) of your partner's certificate. It will be used to crypt the S/MIME message. |
Allows you to make a global search and apply regular-expression replacements on your output file.
You can define more than one pair of regular-expressions, find & replace pattern.
The parameters are:
Allows you to create new messages, with content from current metadata.
The parameters are:
The gateways to which the new message will be sent. |
Metadata containing content for messages to create. Metadata = Pattern to match the metadata that contains the contents for new messages. Filename = fileName of the new messages. If one pattern matches multiple metadata, a new message will be generated for each metadata. You can use the capturing groups of the regex in the filename. E.g.: if your metadata pattern is attachment-(.*) and your filename is \1, processing with two metadata attachment-file1.csv and attachment-file2.csv will result 2 new messages files file1.csv and file2.csv. |
The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. |
- This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
- In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
Allow you to validate a message against a metadata.
The parameters are:
Create an error if the message is not valid. |
If 'Fail on error' is not selected, this puts the message in error without creating a ticket. |
Name of the metadata containing the expected result. |
List of regular expressions to ignore. |
List of date format expressions to ignore. Dates are expressed using the regular java format like : yyyyMMddhhmmss. |
This extra-processing allows to define criteria to automatically close an error that occurs during the message definition OUT step.
The parameters are :
The patterns that will be tested against the error message. If the error message matches at least one of the patterns, the status of the message will automatically be set to Error(closed). |
Replace message content by metadata
This extra-processing used to replace the message OUT contents by the value of a metadata, The first field (MetaData name) will contain the name of the metadata containing the new data for the message. (without {})
If filled, you can assign a new filename to the message but it’s not mandatory.
The checkbox will determine what to do if the metadata is not present:
if checked, the message will be put in error
if not checked, the message will be empty and no error will be generated
Replace message content by metadata
Duplicate outgoing message
Allows to duplicate the outgoing message, and inject it into another channel.
The parameters are :
Step | When the Outgoing message must be duplicated |
Target gateways | The gateways to which the duplicated message will be sent. |
User Metadata Transfer Strategy | The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. |
The file name in of the duplicated message will be the same as the file name out of the original message.
Report success
This extra processing allows upon successful message termination, generates a report of the state of the message and sends it into another channel.
The parameters are :
Target Gateways | Gateways in which the message report should be sent. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
Report success by mail
This extra processing allows upon successful message termination, generates a report of the state of the message and sends it by mail.
The parameters are :
Add original message as attachment | Check in order to attach the original message to the email. |
Receivers | List emails of your recipients. |
Sender |
Email that will be used as sender of the email. Note that if you use another domain than babelway's that there is network configuration involved to make sure that the emails aren't flagged as spam when sent by our servers for your domain. |
Subject | Subject of the email. |
Body | Body of the email. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
Report error
This extra processing allows upon message failure, generates a report of the state of the message and sends it into another channel.
The parameters are :
Target Gateways | Gateways in which the message report should be sent. |
- This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
- A notification will be sent regardless of the moment where the message runs into an error.
Report error by mail
This extra processing allows upon message failure, generates a report of the state of the message and sends it by mail.
The parameters are :
Add original message as attachment | Check in order to attach the original message to the email. |
Receivers | List emails of your recipients. |
Sender |
Email that will be used as sender of the email. Note that if you use another domain than babelway's that there is network configuration involved to make sure that the emails aren't flagged as spam when sent by our servers for your domain. |
Subject | Subject of the email. |
Body | Body of the email. |
- This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
- A notification will be sent regardless of the moment where the message runs into an error.