6.4.4. User rights
Manage and edit the rights of a user across different environments.
This overlay allows you to define the user rights cross environment. Each row correspond to one environment. And each columns corresponds to an Environment Access Level.
If you set the Portal user right, you'll have a small plus that will appear allowing you to set the partners.
The checkbox 'select all' allows you to set the same Environment Access Level to a user for all environments available within your account.
The access rights of the user for the current environment. |
For users with a "Portal User" access to an environment, you can define accesses to the data of partners. One partner data access is a right ("Read" or "Manage") on one specific partner. Both rights give read access to the runtime data related to the partner. With a "Manage" right, the user will be able to delegate its access and to manage portal users with access to the partner. |
Five different Environment access levels are available. They are described hereafter:
Has full rights over the account (yourself by default). |
Has full rights over alerts/messages/channels functions, has a read-only access to users configuration but cannot access billing information. This type of access is for people who will manage and maintain channels. |
Can view and operate messages or alerts, but can not change the configuration of channels. This type of access is for people who monitor the system. |
Portal user will only see documents (invoices, orders, ...) related to some partners. This role is typically for people from another company than the owner of the account, and who should only be able to see documents related to this company. |
Has no access to your environment, but you can switch to another role without sending an invitation. Note: