4.1. Channels
This section gives you the high-level view of how the messages are processed by the Babelway system.
In Babelway terminology, messages are processed by Channels. A channel defines the full path that a message follows within Babelway, from the external system that generated the input file, to the external system that must receive the output.
Its main components are:
The gateway in: It specifies the way incoming messages are communicated from the source external system to Babelway. Babelway supports a large variety of protocols, including FTP, AS2, HTTP, Email, OFTP, SFTP, X400 or web upload.
The message in precisely describes the structure of the incoming message.
The transformation describes how the incoming message should be translated into the outgoing message.
The message out precisely describes the structure of the outgoing message.
The gateway out specifies how the outgoing message should be communicated to the target external system.
You can access your channels, update them or configure new ones in the section Manage & Build > Channels.
To start with the configuration of your first channels, you should read about the details of a channel, and also about the deployment.