4.2.6. Gateway IN extra processings
Zip unwrapping
This extra-processing allows to extract multiple files from a zip, and to process each of those files separately.
The parameters are :
Pattern (regular expression) for the file name in the zip of the files that will be extracted. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while resubmitting a message and the message should be received again via the Gateway IN in order to be unwrapped.
This extra-processing allows to split an X12 interchange and to process each of the transaction files separately.
If the linked message definition requests a 997 acknowledgment, the system will send a single message containing the acknowledgment for all transactions in the incoming interchange.
The parameters are:
Charset to use to decode the file. |
The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the message created for the transactions. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while resubmitting a message and the message should be received again via the Gateway IN in order to be splitted.
This extra-processing allows to split an Edifact message and to process each of the transactions separately.
The parameters are:
The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the message created for the transactions. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while resubmitting a message and the message should be received again via the Gateway IN in order to be splitted.
This extra-processing allows to define criteria to automatically close an error that occurs during the Gateway IN step.
The parameters are :
This extra processing analyses the incoming message, and associates the following metadatas to it:
The type of document, like 'ORDERS', 'INVOIC', 'DESADV', ... |
The format of the message, like 'EDIFACT', 'X12', 'IDOC', ... |
The version of the message format. For example, for EDIFACT, version can be '96A', '01A', ... |
The identification of the sender of the message. |
The identification of the receiver of the message. |
The integration of the five previous fields, separated by '_'. The goal of this field is to simplify the writing or routing rules, or of keys of messages, that want to use all of the above fields. |
Note: For example, When we have "Message In" of type X12 and we receive multiple input messages with different encoding then we can use the universal router encoding {universal_router_encoding} system metadata in the "Input Charset" from the "Properties" of the X12 "Message In" to generate the correct encoding for each received input message with different encoding, as shown below.
Note: The metadata universal_router_encoding is added thanks to the extra processing Message identifier.
The metadata will typically be used by a following routing. As an example, suppose that you receive orders in different formats with the same gateway. This extra processing can be used to identify the following formats: EDIFACT, X12, IDOC (xml or flat file), RND, VDA, cXML, UBL. This information can then be used to route the message to the correct message definition.
Parameters :
This extra processing can take a custom identifiers XML file definition to import custom extractor. |
The XML is defined as followed :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Identifiers> <Identifier> <IdentifyByRegex length="10000" encoding="UTF8"><![CDATA[<\?xml.*<cbc:UBLVersionID>(.*)<\/cbc:UBLVersionID>.*]]></IdentifyByRegex> <Format>UBL_CUSTOM_$1</Format> <Version>$1</Version> <Sender> <Xpath><![CDATA[/Invoice/AccountingSupplierParty/Party/PartyIdentification/ID/text()]]></Xpath> </Sender> <Receiver> <Xpath><![CDATA[/Invoice/AccountingCustomerParty/Party/PartyIdentification/ID/text()]]></Xpath> </Receiver> <Type> <Regex> <Expression><![CDATA[<\?xml (version)="1\.0" encoding="UTF-8"\?>\n<\?xml-stylesheet type="text\/xsl" href=".*" \?>\n<([A-Za-z]*) xmlns:.*>.*<cec]]></Expression> <Value>$1-$2</Value> </Regex> </Type> </Identifier> <Identifier> <IdentifyByRegex length="900" encoding="UTF8"><![CDATA[CUSTOM(ISA)\|([0-9]+).*GS\|IN\|([0-9]+)\|([0-9]+)]]></IdentifyByRegex> <Format>$1_$2</Format> <Version>$2</Version> <Sender>$3</Sender> <Receiver>$4</Receiver> <Type>ISA_HARCODED</Type> </Identifier> </Identifiers>
XML tags :
This XML tag represents the regular expression used to identify a specific message. It takes two attributes: 'length', which is the number of bytes of the original message that we need to use for identification (try to use the smallest one possible to increase performance if you have long messages) and 'encoding', which is the encoding of the messages that you will send. |
These are the 5 values that we want to extract from our message. Under those tags, you will find three extraction types, as described below. |
Extractor types :
This xml tag takes two children tags : 'Expression' which represents the regular expression matching the values you want to extract. Use parentheses in the regex to create matching group. And 'Value' that will use the matching groups from the Expression to create a value. Use '$1' to insert matching group 1, $2 for matching group 2, etc... |
You can extract value with an Xpath expression (if the message in input is an XML of course). Just write the xpath expression in the xml content. |
You can put a hardcoded value directly within the parent tag. $i can be used to add a matching element from the identifying pattern (IdentifyByRegex tag). |
Note: In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
This is another example of how to identify a CSV file
This is a sample of the CSV file
SenderID,ReceiverID,MessageKey,DocumentType , DocumentNumber , Date , Time, ItemNumber, ItemDescription, ItemQuantity, ItemPrice 8431598762018,2139854706451,1ae187a1-afe7-108e-9343-37971a38b936,InvoiceDocument,17052017,0205,01,Item Description 1,3,15.75 8431598762018,2139854706451,108e9343-e187-e933-71a3-187a1afe7108,InvoiceDocument,17052017,0205,02,Item Description 2,1,75 8431598762018,2139854706451,71a3187a-43e1-7a1a-ae18-97a57c17423a,InvoiceDocument,17052017,0205,03,Item Description 3,5,5.5 8431598762018,2139854706451,aae1848c-7618-a0c1-f941-37971a38b936,InvoiceDocument,17052017,0205,04,Item Description 4,7,17 8431598762018,2139854706451,0ca57c1f-c7ff-4952-c5af-12a0c1f941a3,InvoiceDocument,17052017,0205,05,Item Description 5,2,7
Below are the positions of the (Sender, Receiver, Type) that we will extract from the CSV file and use to create the Custom Identifier file.
The UniversalRouterSender will be extracted from the second row, first column.
The UniversalRouterReceiver will be extracted from the second row, second column.
The Type will search for "InvoiceDocument" in the CSV file.
The XML is defined as followed :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Identifiers> <Identifier> <IdentifyByRegex length="10000" encoding="UTF8"><![CDATA[(?i)\s?SenderID\s?,\s?ReceiverID\s?,\s?MessageKey\s?,\s?DocumentType\s?]]></IdentifyByRegex> <Format>CSV</Format> <Version>CSV-1.0</Version> <Sender> <Regex> <Expression><![CDATA[(?i).*?\n(.*?),]]></Expression> <Value>$1</Value> </Regex> </Sender> <Receiver> <Regex> <Expression><![CDATA[(?i).*?\n(.*?),(.*?),]]></Expression> <Value>$2</Value> </Regex> </Receiver> <Type> <Regex> <Expression><![CDATA[(?i)(\s?(InvoiceDocument)\s?,)]]></Expression> <Value>INVOICE</Value> </Regex> </Type> </Identifier> </Identifiers>
Below is a print screen of the "contextOut.xml" file from the CSV file processed by the channel that has this Custom Identifier file showing the extracted information saved in the universal router metadatas.
Note: To be able to get the value from an XML file containing a namespace, you will need to use the *: for the prefix in the XML path when using the xpath for the Custom Identifier file.
For example, below is the path to use if you want to get the value in the field "cbc:ID" from the below input message and save it in the "Type" for the custom identifier file.
The path is /*:Invoice/*:ID
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
Allow to pause execution for some minutes before processing the message.
The parameters are :
- This extra processing is not executed while resubmitting a message and the message should be received again via the Gateway IN in order to be delayed.
- This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
- There is a new update of new splitters added in the Gateway In Extra processings recently.
As you can see from the below screenshot that the available splitters are marked with the green box.
Regex splitting
Xpath splitting
Text splitting
ex: If you have a CSV files has 300 lines, and the splitter lines is 100 lines, then the CSV file will be splitted to 3 messages every one of them has 100 lines.
Set custom metadata
The "Value" field can be an XPath formula allowing to calculate the value dynamically, And when needed to use simple static text then the static text value will need to be surrounded by a single quote to use this value as a string value.
Replace message content by metadata
Decode Base64 message content
Report success
This extra processing allows the system to generate a success report of the message status and sends it to another channel after the successful processing of the message.
The parameters are :
Target Gateways | Gateways in which the message report should be sent. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
Report success by mail (deprecated)
This extra processing allows the system to generate a success report of the message status and sends it by email to the previously defined emails after the successful processing of the message.
The parameters are :
Add original message as attachment | Check in order to attach the original message to the email. |
Receivers | List emails of your recipients. |
Sender |
Email that will be used as sender of the email. Note that if you use another domain than babelway's that there is network configuration involved to make sure that the emails aren't flagged as spam when sent by our servers for your domain. |
Subject | Subject of the email. |
Body | Body of the email. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
Report error
This extra processing allows the system to generate an error report of the message status and sends it to another channel after the message processing failure.
The parameters are :
Target Gateways | Gateways in which the message report should be sent. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.
: A notification will be send regardless at which level the message fail on error
Report error by mail (deprecated)
This extra processing allows the system to generate an error report of the message status and sends it by email to the previously defined emails after the message processing failure.
The parameters are :
Add original message as attachment | Check in order to attach the original message to the email. |
Receivers | List emails of your recipients. |
Sender |
Email that will be used as sender of the email. Note that if you use another domain other than babelway domain that there is network configuration involved to make sure that the emails aren't flagged as spam when sent by our servers for your domain. |
Subject | Subject of the email. |
Body | Body of the email. |
Note: This extra processing is not executed while running a test case.