Getting Started
All the requests to access the REST api have the form{hubId}/{action}.{format}?{parameters}, where
hubId |
The id of your environment. It can be found in the Environment settings section, under the Admin menu. |
format |
The format in which you want to receive the answer. It must be 'json' or 'xml'. All actions support the 2 formats. |
action and parameters |
The name and parameters of the action you want to call. All available actions and parameters are documented in this section. |
All the requests require authentication.
The API currently supports the HTTP Basic Authentication.
It is also possible to provide the credentials via the 2 extra parameters userName and pwd
The Babelway Rest API is to be used on a HTTPS (SSL/TLS) connection in order to encrypt the credentials.
All timestamps should be formatted as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
Babelway Database optimization
The Babelway Database is optimized in order to have very fast access to all recent messages (received in the last 7 days) and the older messages are archived.
To have a fast response when making API calls to the Babelway system, it is best to add a criteria like "Received in the last 7 days" or something like "Every day".