2.4.1. Filters
In all grids, the filter bar allows you to easily filter the displayed data.
The filters that are available depend on the type of data in this column. If you use multiple criteria, the system will display the data that satisfy all the criteria. You can also reset all criteria with a single click by using the "Clear filters" button, which is located within the settings icon on the right side of the grid.
Clear Filters
For textual data (e.g., columns like name or description), you will have a text field allowing you to type your criteria. The system will search by default for all the data that contains the criteria, but you can change the operator by just clicking on it.
Here is the full list of available operators :
- ~ : contains. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field contains (ignore case) the typed value.
- !~ : does not contain. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field does not contain (ignore case) the typed value.
- = : equals. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field is exactly equal to the typed value.
- ^ : begins with. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field begins with the typed value.
- | : ends with. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field ends with the typed value.
- ≈ : matches regex. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field matches the entered regular expression.
- # : is empty. The system will only display the rows that have no value for this field.
- !# : is not empty. The system will only display the rows that have a non-empty value for this field.
Note: In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
For the numeric columns, the same system applies.
The available operators are :
- = : equals. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field is exactly equal to the entered number.
- : greater than. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field is strictly greater than the entered number.
- ≤ : less than or equal. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field is less or equal than the entered number.
- ≥ : greater than or equal. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field is greater or equal than the entered number.
- [] : range. The system will only display the rows whose value in the field is between the 2 entered limits. You must pick the 2 limits separated by a space or a dash. Ex : '12 50', or '12-50'.
- , : is in. The system will only display the rows whose id of element in the field is in the list of entered values. ids must be separated by commas. Ex : '1234,1235'.
- !, : is not in. The system will only display the rows whose id of element in the field is not in the list of entered values. ids must be separated by commas. Ex : '1234,1235'.
The auto-complete functionality only works with certain operators. For example the "Name is" ( = ) operator will generate a dropdown menu with possible choices, as shown below.
The same search using a "contains" operator won't generate a dropdown menu due to the way this operator works.
Note: If you see a dropdown menu while not using the "name is" operator, it is likely due to your browser's autocomplete feature.
For example, in Chrome, the browser may suggest values you’ve recently entered in any field labeled 'name', as shown below:
Such confusing behavior is generated by the browser you are using. You can disable the option by removing the check from the "Enable Autofill to fill out web forms in a single click".
The same system with operators applies again. By default, all elements whose name contains the entered criteria will match.
The available operators are :
- ~ : name contains. The system will only display the rows whose name of element in the field contains (ignore case) the typed value.
- !~ : name does not contains. The system will only display the rows whose element name in the field does not contain (ignore case) the typed value.
- = : name equals. The system will only display the rows whose name of element in the field is exactly equal to the typed value.
- , : id in. The system will only display the rows whose id of element in the field is in the list of entered values. ids must be separated by commas. Ex : '1234,1235'.
- !, : id not in. The system will only display the rows whose id of element in the field is not in the list of entered values. ids must be separated by commas. Ex : '1234,1235'.
When all the values of type can be enumerated, a dropdown menu shows all the possible values. If you select a specific value, the system will search for all the data that exactly include this value in the column.
A dropdown menu allows you to choose from several common periods ("Last 24 hours", "Last 7 days", "Last month", ...)
If you want to view a custom time period, you can select the "Custom" value. A pop-up will then be available enabling you to choose any time interval.