5.2. Notifications
A notification is a message sent to users to draw their attention to something in their Babelway environment.
You will only receive notifications if some agents have been configured to watch some events, and generate the notification when requested.
You can see all your notifications under the menu NotificationCenter > Notifications.
By clicking on a row of the grid, you can have all the details about the notification.
The actions that you can do on a notification are :
- View current status. To see if the problem reported by the agent is still there, have been (partially) resolved meanwhile, or is now more serious. This screen will give you a real-time status of what the notification agent is monitoring, while the text in the notification here will not change after its generation.
- Close the notification. If you have finished managing it, but that you want to access it again in the future.
- Delete the notification. If you have finished with it. Note that the notification will be automatically deleted after 3 months.
All the notifications generated by the system can be seen here for the record (until there are deleted), but the main point about notifications is that they have been pushed to you even when you are not in the application. For example, the above notification has been sent by email :
The email (or the message via any other media) will always contain a link that allow you to have the current status of the problem in just 1 click.