5.3. Notification agents
Notification agents are agents that observe your environment, and will create a notification to warn you if something specific happens.
For examples, agents can warn you if some messages fall in error, if a certificate is about to expire, ...
To configure an agent, you will have to answer the 3 following questions :
- About which topics you want to receive notifications.
When messages fall in error, when some certificates are about to expire, … - To whom the notification should be sent (and via which media).
To email address dev@mycompany.com and to my slack channel #dev . - When the notification should be sent.
Maximum once a day.
You will be able to see all the notification agents that are configured in your environment, or change the configuration, under menu Notification Center > Agents .
To create a new agent, just click on Create at the bottom of the grid, and fill the requested fields :
- Notification Agent type : which type of events you want to monitor (ex: a message falls in error, a certificate is expiring, ...). The list of all available agent types, with detailed explanations can be found in Agent types section.
- Name : a name that will help you distinguish your agents.
- Agent specific parameters. These parameters are different depending of the agent type. Explanation of every possible parameter can be found in Agent types section.
- Recipients : to whom you want to send the notification.
- Notification maximum frequency & Reminder frequency. At which rate the notifications should be sent out, or how often to receive reminders for open problems. See Grouping section for more details.
To edit an agent later, click on it in the grid, then click on Edit. You will be able to change any of the properties that you just filled (under tabs General, Trigger or Recipients).
This page with all the details about the agent will also show you some :
- Stats. Some statistics about the agents (like how many notifications it generated, when was the last one, ...).
- Current status. If there are currently (real-time) problems in the scope of what this agent is monitoring. More details in Current status section.
- Change log. The history of changes made to this agent (who, when & what).
You can also disable an agent (and reactivate it later) using the on/off button in the top-right corner of the screen. A disabled agent will not send any more notifications until it is reactivated.