Dropbox Gateway Out
The Dropbox gateway out allows you to upload your messages into a Dropbox account.
The specific settings are:
The name of the Dropbox account to which the messages will be sent. This information is "read only", and set by the wizard when you allow Babelway to access the Dropbox account. |
The folder in your Dropbox account in which the messages will be placed. This folder will appear under the path /Apps/Babelway/ . |
Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. |
- If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=479419
- The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 250 MB.