Http Client Gateway Out (Deprecated)
With an HttpClientOut Gateway, outgoing messages are sent using a Http connection.
All the user defined metadatas defined in the messages are passed in the context of the new message.
The specific settings are:
External service address. Support HTTP and HTTPS protocols. |
Login or username to access the service. |
Password associated with the username. |
Select zero, one or several gateways to receive the response from the http server. |
Comma separated list of expected return Http code which evaluates the response HTTP code in the header. If the return code is not in the list, the message is set in error. The default is '200,201,202,204,205'. |
The success expression is a regex that evaluates the HTTP response body. If the response doesn't match the success expression, the message is flagged with 'error' status. |
You can specify a filename that will be associated with the server response. Default is 'attachment'. |
The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the response message created in the connected gateways. |
Allows you to determine what to do if call to remote server fails. If 'No retry' is chosen, the message will be put immediately in error. Other values allow to make some retries before setting the message in error.
Filename of the outgoing message [with extension if applicable]. If empty, we will apply the default settings. |
Timeout for connection in milliseconds. Must be between 10000 and 240000. |
You can specify the http method to call. 'Form Posting' is emulating a browser Form Post using mime multipart. The default is POST. |
You can specify the version of the TLS protocol. TLS is the replacement of SSL. The default is TLSv1.2. |
Name given to the parameter containing the actual message. This is also equivalent to the FORM parameter when a POST if done from a web browser. |
Extra parameters to inlude in the message. Name is the parameter name (FORM parameter) and the value is the name of a metadata containg the parameter content. In case of a binary content, the name of the metadata will also be used as the 'filename' of the parameter. |
You can add specific http header. This accepts metadata. |
The trust level defines the level of security used in the SSL handshake. Relax = No certificate verification, Standard = trusting certificates in environment certificates as well as known CA's, Paranoiac = only trusts certificates defined in the environmnent certificates. Mutual = requires 2-way authentication. |
You can select from FORM, BASIC, DIGEST, NTLM, CERT, OAUTH1, OAUTH2, ANY or OAuth 2.0 with Credentials. CERT is 2-way SSL authentication. ANY is BASIC, DIGEST or NTLM depending on the server response. |
Allows to send authentication information with the first http request (to avoid making a second request). Only for BASIC or DIGEST authentication. |
If authentication method is FORM. |
When using FORM authentication, you can add specific authentication form fields to the authentication call. This accepts metadata. |
You can use data receive by the login request as metadata, which can be used in the data sending after login. |
If CERT authentication is used (2-way SSL authentication), this allows to select the key pair to use from the environment certificate. |
If OAUTH2 authentication is used, this allows select the OAUTH bearer token to use. |
If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows select the signature algorithm to use. Note that if SHA1withRSA is used, a Key alias must be selected. |
If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the consumer key. This is mandatory. |
If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the consumer secret. This is optional. |
If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the token. At this version of Babelway this is mandatory, please contact support if you need to retreive the token from an OAUth handsake. |
If OAUTH1 authentication is used, this allows defined the token secret. This is optional. |
If OAUTH1 authentication is used with SHA1withRSA, this allows to select the key signing the OAUTH authentication. |
After channel deployment, your connection will be available to send messages.
When using the Authentication method of type OAuth 2.0 with Credentials we will do two calls, The first call will be through the URL provided in the "Login url" field then when we receive the response we can use regex to extract the data received in the response body and save them in a user defined metadata in the "Metadata from response" section then this created user defined metadata can be used in the second call in the "HTTP headers" section, as shown below.
Note: The sent HTTP request has a default content type of "text/html" and if you need to change it based in the output message, you can add the desired Content-Type in the headers section under the properties of the HTTP Client Gateway OUT as seen below:
1- Click on the properties of the HTTP Client Gateway OUT as seen below:
2- Add the desired Content-Type in the headers section (fo example "application/json") as seen below:
Add the desired Content-Type
- In Babelway, we're using the standard Java version of REGEX, and it's the same used all over the system.
- If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=479419
- The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100/250 MB.