Lookup Table Gateway Out
The lookup table gateway is used to fill a lookup table automatically from a message. See also Automatic Population of Lookup table using Channel for information about importing data from a channel.
The technical id of the lookup table. |
Enable this if you need to append the records from the messages going through this channel. If not enabled, the entire table will be replaced by the new values when the criteria below are not configured. However, defining criteria will allow only the new values to be appended. |
If filled, only the values that match this criterion will be deleted or inserted in the target lookup table. The name must be the name of the column that must match. The value is the value that this column must have to be replaced. |
Below is more explanation in more technical details regarding the "Append" and "Criteria" options.
Each of the "Append" and "Criteria" options are related to each other and this means that changing one of them will affect the behaviour of the other option after checking the data updated in the lookup table.
The sequence of execution by the system is to check first the "Criteria" option and then "Append" option.
To make it easy in explanation we can say that the "Criteria" option is like a filterloop() function which will be executed first on the output message by only selecting the lines which its row column name equals to the provided value and all of the other lines don't match this condition will not be seletect.
After that the lines in the lookup table will be selected based on the same criteria, And all of the other lines in the lookup table will not match this criteria will be ignored and will be stored in the lookup table.
After that based on the "Append" option if it is enabled then the selected lines from the output message based on the "Criteria" option will be appended to the selected lines from the lookup table based on the "Criteria" option, And the other lines in the lookup table which was not selected based on the "Criteria" option will found also in the lookup table.
As the "Append" option can be enabled or disabled and the "Criteria" option can be used or not used, then this means that we have 4 cases to be generated.
1-The "Append" option is enabled and the "Criteria" option is not used, This means that the complete output message will be appended to the complete lookup table.
2-The "Append" option is disabled and the "Criteria" option is used, This means that the selected lines from the output message based on the "Criteria" option will be checked against the selected lines from the lookup table based on the "Criteria" option and if the input message has the exact lines found in the lookup table then this lines will not be deleted from the lookup table and if the output message has a new lines or old lines which has one updated value or more then this lines will be considered as a new line and will be created in the lookup table, And for the lines that are matching the "Criteria" option from the lookup table and the output message didn't have them or with updated values then this lines will be deleted from the lookup table.
3-The "Append" option is enabled and the "Criteria" option is used, This means that the selected lines from the output message based on the "Criteria" option will be appended to the selected lines from the lookup table based on the "Criteria" option and all of the other lines from the lookup table that didn't match the "Criteria" option will be in the lookup table without any updates.
4-The "Append" option is disabled and the "Criteria" option is not used, This means that all of the entire lookup table lines will be replaced by all of the lines from the entire output message.
Note: When the "Criteria" option is not used then this means that all of the output message lines and lookup table lines will be selected.
In the below example we will see that the below lookup table has lines with the column "One" having the values of "None" and "Update", as shown below.
When the below input message is generated from the channel which has two "Update" lines and only one of them has updated data, as shown below.
And the "Append" option is disabled and the "Criteria" option is used then in this case only the new line will be created and the old line will be deleted, as shown below.
Now when the "Append" option is enabled and the "Criteria" option is used and we have sent the same message two times we will see that only the "Update" lines are appended from the output message and the "None" lines are ignored, as shown below.
Now when the "Append" option is disabled and the "Criteria" option is not used then this means that all of the entire lookup table lines will be replaced by all of the lines from the entire output message, as shown below.
- If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=479419
- The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.