Aggregator Gateway Out
The aggregator gateway OUT enables to aggregate messages into one single file. The aggregator can append the messages, use an xslt to merge xml documents or merge Edifact or X12 documents. The resulting message is forwarded to one or more channels in the same environment.
All the user defined metadata in the first of the aggregated messages are passed in the context of the aggregated message.
The specific settings are:
The internal gateway where to send the aggregated message. You can select multiple gateways in. A copy of the message will be sent to each of them. |
Select 'append' for simple append. Use header, separator and footer to control the aggregation. Select 'xml' to create an aggregation of xml document. Optionally an xslt can be applied to the result. Select 'edifact' or 'x12' to merge edi documents; the envelope of the first document will be used. Select 'zip' to wrap messages in a single zip file. Select 'tar' to wrap messages in a single tar file. |
Optional. Enables to generate different aggregated files grouping incoming messages based on the value of a metadata. Example: 3 messages arrive with value A, B and A in the selected metadata. The aggregator will generate 1 file with the 2 messages with value A and 1 file with 1 message with the value B. |
Optional. By default, Babelway will put the message in error if it exceeds the maximum size allowed by the system (check documentation on allowed file sizes). If you specify a value, when the number of MB of the generated file reaches that value, Babelway will generate a message with the current values and start again with another file until all messages are processed. |
Specifies how you want Babelway to differentiate files when split by the "Max file size" parameter. Either alphabetical append (alpha: filename, filename-a, filename-b, ...) or numeric append (numeric: filename, filename-1, filename-2, ...). |
Frequency in seconds. Default is 300 (5 minutes). |
Cron expression. Allows you to define complex time expressions like every weekday night at 23:00 (0 23 ? * MON-FRI) and the time zone for the polling. This takes precedence on the frequency property. For easy creation of your cron expression, you can use the online cron maker tool available at:http://www.cronmaker.com/. |
Filename of the message OUT of the channel that serves as input to the aggregator. If empty, we will apply the default settings. |
Filename of the aggregated file, by default the file name is set to 'aggregate'. Tip: You can use: {com_babelway_messaging_context_aggregator_groupBy} to include the name of the group by in the file name, or any user defined metadata defined in the first of the aggregated messages. |
If you specify a time (in seconds), the aggregation will wait that time after the reception of a new incoming message, even if it conflicts with its scheduled run. This allows, for example, ensuring all messages from a batch are included in a single aggregation. |
For 'append' type: prefix to add at the beginning of the file. For 'xslt' type: name for the root of the resulting message. Default='messages' |
For 'append' type: message separator. For 'xslt' type: name for the element surrounding each message. Default='message' |
Suffix to add at the beginning of the file. |
Xslt to execute on the resulting Xml. |
Check this to skip the UNA section in EDIFACT and Odette messages. |
Define a custom XPATH expression used to compute the edifact control field. If left empty, the control of the first message will be used. |
Charset to use to decode the file waiting to be aggregated. Default is UTF8. |
Charset to use to encode the file resulting of the aggregation. Default is UTF8. |
The strategy that will be used to transfer the user metadata to the new message created in the connected gateways. |
- If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=479419
- The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.