PEPPOL Gateway In
This gateway allows to receive files from the PEPPOL network.
The PEPPOL project was started in 2008 with the objective to enable businesses to communicate electronically with any European government institution in the procurement process. Seven years later, PEPPOL standard is gaining traction by the European governments but also within the industry (the peppol.eu site lists 99 certified PEPPOL Access Points providers).
The three main components of the PEPPOL architecture are :
The Access Point (AP) : responsible to send and receive documents for a PEPPOL participant
The Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) : registry containing the Participant AP information. It tells you which access point must be contacted to send document of certain type to a PEPPOL participant
The Service Metadata Locator (SML) : the PEPPOL DNS Server. It tells you in which SMP a PEPPOL participant is registered
An "PEPPOL In Gateway" must be configured for one PEPPOL Participant (the receiver). There can be only one PEPPOL Gateway IN per participant identifier in Babelway.
The identifier value is the value identifying the PEPPOL participant in a given identification scheme. Most of the time this is a national VAT or a GLN number. For easier use, you can, for each identifier, define a user-friendly name that we call a "label".
When you deploy an "PEPPOL In Gateway", the gateway is registered as an Access Point for the receiver and document types in a Babelway SMP and the Babelway SMP is referenced in the SML for this participant.
The participant SML status tells you if the participant is registered in the PEPPOL SML.
Some actions are available depending on the participant status :
Prepare migration : Let you start the participant migration to another SMP than Babelway. It will generate a migration key that need to be exchange with the new SMP.
Migrate : If the participant is registered to another SMP in the SML, this action lets you migrate him to a Babelway SMP. The migration key received from the old SMP need to be entered.
Register : If the participant is not registered at all in the SML, you can register it by clicking on this action.
Registered Documents
Registered documents are UBL document type that are customized and categorized by PEPPOL business flows (i.e. : An UBL v2.1 Invoice that follows business specifications of the PEPPOL BIS 4a v2.0 ). One or more document types can be choose to configure the gateway.
Message Level Response
A Message Level Response (MLR) can be sent back to the sender of the PEPPOL message. A MLR is a business acknowledgment that tells the sender if the received message follows business rules related to the document type and business flow. You can choose the "MLR strategy" in the Gateway IN configuration.
PEPPOL Directory
Participants registered in the Babelway SMP can optionnally also be published to PEPPOL Directory.
Once your gateway is deployed, you will be able to see the defined identifiers in the PEPPOL directory (http://directory.peppol.eu for Production, and http://test-directory.peppol.eu for Test environment).
Undeploying your gateway will delete the participants from the PEPPOL Directory.
Note that the process to add/delete participants to the PEPPOL Directory is asynchronous and might take some time until it actually shows up.
Here is the summary of gateway properties:
Choose between the regular PEPPOL production infrastructure, connected to the SML, or the test infrastructure, connected to the SMK. The default is Production |
The values identifying the PEPPOL participants. All values are mandatory. The option 'Publish to PEPPOL directory' will only be taken into account if the PEPPOL participants is registered in the SMP of Babelway. The 'label' of the PEPPOL participants will be used as the PEPPOL participant name in the PEPPOL directory (if the option is checked). |
List of documents accepted by this gateway and registered in the SMP. |
Using this option you can decide to send MLR directly after message reception. The options are :
The status of the participant in the PEPPOL SML |
The peppol key you received as an access point. If none is provided, the Babelway's key will be used. |
They key with which you wish to be registered as an SMP. If none is provided, your participants and documents will be registered on Babelway's SMP. |
- If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=479419
- The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100 MB.