AS2 Gateway In
With an AS2 Gateway, incoming messages are received using an AS2 connection. Incoming files are processed as soon as they are received.
AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a specification about how to transport data securely and reliably over the Internet. Security is achieved by using digital certificates and encryption.
The specific settings are:
AS2 ID of the server that sends incoming messages. Provided by your partner. |
AS2 ID of the Babelway destination server. You must communicate it to your partner. |
URL address used by your partner to send messages to this gateway. It works for both http and https protocol. |
File containing instructions and certificates for the installation. You should download it and send it to your AS2 partner. |
Should message signature be enforced or not. |
Certificate used for message verification. Provided by your partner. |
Should message encryption be enforced or not. |
Local certificate to use for decrypting the AS2 messages. These certificates are kept in the environment certificates store. |
Maximum number of retries if message sending failed. Default is 5 times. |
Interval of time before trying to send message again (in seconds). Default is 60 (1 minute) and the maximum is 600 (10 minutes). |
After channel deployment, your AS2 connection will be available to receive messages.
To report AS2 settings to the other party, download the AS2 documentation ZIP file. This file can be sent to the other party to give them all settings they will require to establish a communication with your channel.
Note: The Listening ports for the AS2 Gateway are:
When using the HTTPS protocol the Listening port is 443.
When using the HTTP protocol the Listening port is 80.
- If there is a file name provided in the "Message In" or "Message Out" which contain ~ tilde character, All browser based on Chromium will replace the ~ tilde character by the _ underscore character when you try to download the file from the Babelway interface, For more details you can check this link https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=479419
- The maximum file size accepted by this gateway is 100/250 MB.
- The maximum filename supported for the AS2 "Gateway In" is 255 characters.