5.6. Migration
We have also already created the 3 below default agents, that will act as the old Alerts:
- Messages waiting for download
- Certificates expiration
- Gateway polling failure
During this phase it is important that you replace old notifications with agents or extra processings (see below). Please delete the old notifications as you go about this process to ensure a clean status when moving exclusively to the new service.
To do this please follow the below steps:
- Create or update an existing agent
- Remove the Old Notification from the channel
- Deploy the channel
- Delete the notification from the old notifications menu under components
We will continue to scan non migrated environments and make the full switch as soon as we no longer see any old notifications anymore.
Please note, we would like to target October to remove the old service, so don't hesitate to let us know how we can help you in this process.
Extra processings
The old notification service was used to notify users, in the sense of drawing their attention to something that happened in the application. For all these use cases, it is very easy to create agents that do similar notifications (even much better).
But the old notification service was also used for cases that have nothing to do with notifications, but was in fact part of the business processing of the individual message. For example :
- Dispatch the message to the next channel of the processing flow, using the ability of notification V1 to dispatch differently based on the success or not of the message.
- Send an individual email fully related to the processed message. Again, notification V1 was often used in that scenario (instead of for example an Email gateway out) due to its ability to send only after the end of the processing of the message, or when success/error status is known.
For these previous use cases, you will not be able to create agents that have the same behavior as before. Instead, we have created extra-processings that have the exact same behavior of the previous agents.
You will find the following extra-processings at various steps (gateway in, message definition in, message definition out).
In the gateway out you will also find the following 2 for messages available for download
Any of these 6 will then act exactly like the old notification and have the same parameters (send to internal gateways, customized body with metadata, dynamic receiver using metadata,…). They will cover the cases mentioned above as reasons for using extra processing.
Report error / Report error by email extra processings
We have developed these additional extra-processing to facilitate the automatic migration from the old notifications to the Notification Center. These extra-processing should be used with caution, as they will be executed regardless of whether the message has already reached this step.
In most cases, it's advisable to avoid using these extra-processing on error and instead reconsider how you want to be notified on error. Other options, such as the "Duplicate Message In" feature, may be more appropriate. Additionally, creating and triggering an alternate channel with an Email Gateway Out is often a better solution to receive a customized email.
Do not hesitate to reach our support@babelway.com in case of any doubt or if you need help migrating to the Notification Center.